Inspiration for your photographs will not just come from visual stimulation, feel your photographs.


You never know when opportunity will strike and what it can lead to.  There will be times in your photography life that you will have to decide if you want to take a chance on the unknown.   One simple act can lead to an other and before you know it you are given an opportunity to do something that you never saw coming.  I know this to be true, it happened to me just last year.

Our director was retiring and several events were planned in his honor.  An employee car show was one such event, so with camera in hand I headed over to the show.  There were many great autos on display.  While taking shots I talked to the various owners.  As I was headed back to my office I stopped at one more car, a classic Chevy.  I asked the owner if he wanted a photo of him with his car, with his positive response I grabbed a photo and asked him if he would like a copy, got his name and email and that was it.  That night I edited the photo and dropped an email to him.  He thanked me in reply and that was it, or so I thought.  

Fast forward roughly six months and we crossed paths in the hallway.  He stopped me and asked me if I was still taking pictures and if so would I like to do some work for a new web page he was developing.  He told me what he needed and I set out to find the right shot.  A few more shots were added and eventually the project came to fruition.  With the project complete her asked if I could help with one more project.  After many meetings we decided on a photo and the wheels were in motion.  

The project was completed and published.  I have to be honest, it was great seeing my photos printed by the thousands.  Then came the real surprise, I was nominated for two awards and I won both of them!  I was awarded a directors pin, as well as more opportunities to pursue my love of photography.